Gansevoort Row
Project Description
BKSK received a comprehensive permit from the Landmarks Preservation Commission to
redevelop an entire cluster of crumbling low-rise commercial buildings near the High Line in
the historic Gansevoort Market neighborhood. Careful historical research and analysis of the
existing building, particularly using the history and previous configuration, provided a strong
rationale for raising the height of the building and demolishing some of the existing building
structures in parts of the block.
An important part of the landmark approval process, and one that BKSK is proud of, has been
presentations to conservation organizations, local community boards, and selected
government officials. In this case, the presentation presents a successful case for development
along the street, with properties currently in various stages of completion featuring luxury
retailers including Hermès, Match Group, Inc., and the reopened Pastis and the tenant list is
A remarkable new application of the use of ceramic shading elements on the windows of the
office building and the staircase opening, with hanged curtains of custom handmade bricks
installed with the innovative Fabrik by Flexbrick prefabricated approach, eases the integration
of the clay finishing of the heritage building while providing an enhanced solar behavior to the
new locals.
Project Information
Architect BKSK Architects LLP
Location New York (USA)
Application Facade